
Keyword tools to find your micro niche market

Importance of Niche Marketing

A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing on; Therefore the market niche defines the specific product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs.

For anyone just starting his/her own business on the internet, it is important to do a niche market analysis to determine your market segment. Because when you start, you are small and unknown to the world. To stand out in the crowd of competitors, you would have to make your business target to a very specific subset of the identified market, so your target audience's search will return only a small group of pages on the internet. Your market segment doesn't have to be very hot. As long as it is undeserved, you will be able to find customers.

To perform this market analysis, you will first identify a key word or key phrase that describe your market. Then look in search engine statistics about how many times it was searched, and how many returns are there for this search. If the proportion of searches v.s. returns is very high, then you have found your niche. Of course, it's nearly impossible to hit on this niche by coming up with key words yourself. You should use software tools built for this purpose.

Google Keyword tool: Free keyword tool from Google

Google's Adwords program provides a nice tool called Google Keyword Tool. It is completely free to use. You could also search for Google Keyword Tool, it should lead you right to it.

The tool gives you keyword ideas in two ways, using a keyword or phrase, or a website address. When you enter your own seed keyword, the tool generate keyword list based on that keyword by using both synonyms and variations on the original term. This is great at finding alternative to your initial idea, and/or more specific segment of your intended market. If you choose a website, the tool will generate a list based on the content of that website. When you see competitors on the web, this is a great way to figure out what market segment are they tailored to, and how people are finding them. Then you can either avoid direct competition, or meet them head on. Either way, your won't be going in blind.

After clicking the "Get keyword idea" button, you will be show a list of keywords. The default columns displayed are Advertiser Competition rating, Local Search volume [last month] and Global Monthly search volume. You can also display columns for Estimated Ad position, Estimated Avg. CPC (can be based on your local currency), Search Volume trend, and the highest search volume month.

PPC Web Spy: Another free Keyword tool

PPC Web Spy is an application that integrate with your browser. After you install the software, you will see a PPC Web icon on the lower right corner of your browser window. Click on it to turn it on. Once it is on, whenever you perform a Google search, under each of the sponsored links, you will see a button that says "View keyword". Click on it and you will see the PPC Web spy window that shows the list of keywords that this ad is bidding on, the cost per click, and number of clicks per day. Click on any of the keyword will bring up another dialogue box, allowing you to either search the keyword or the destination website of this advertisement. The actual search is performed by the Google Keyword tool. PPC Web Spy will open up the page and populate the relevant field for you. So there's no advantage over user Google Keyword tool for the actual search. The utility of the tool is rather in making it easier for you to search for advertisers and find out what they are doing, possibly as a starting point for your generating your own ideas, or find potential affiliate partners, as this tool will identify those advertisers who are members of Clickbank.

Micro Niche Finder: Powerful yet easy to use

Micro Niche Finder is a very powerful tool in identifying under served market segments. This tool not only allows you to perform all the keyword related searched that Google keyword tool provides, but it can also identify hot trends and help you brainstorm for ideas. To make your life easy, it also integrate with multiple types of Google searches, Clickbank market, Amazon, Affiliate programs, and article depositories. So when that light bulb turns on in your brain, you can immediately turn it into cash generating operation, instead of losing your train of thought while fumbling with multiple windows. As a bonus, this software comes with some nice tutorials for various ways to use this tool to generate traffic to your site. The vendor also provides a cash back guarantee in case you are unsure of its claims.

Keyword Research Pro: Very powerful, clean and easy to use interface

One of the most distinguishing feature of Keyword Research Pro is that it pulls keywords from multiple sources, including Google AdWords, Keyword Discovery, Wordtracker, 7Search, Miva, YouTube and Ask.com, allowing it have the most comprehensive list of keyword statistics available. You can even save the current project you are working on and return to it at a later time. Sweet. Like Google's keyword tool, Keyword Research Pro uses synonyms, provides local monthly search and global monthly search, volume match type, and estimated cost per click. It also have a great filtering and keyword analysis functions, integrating results from Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and present you search volumes, keyword effectiveness, Pay-per-click information and a first page search engine result. Finally, all this data can be easily exported in four different formats.

Coupling great functionality with an interface that's clean, logical and easy to use, this software is indeed worthy of the "Pro" designation. This is a valuable tool for both the internet marketing veterans and new comer alike. Well done.





还有一种PPC的变种形式就是做付费的市场调查,你每填写一份由调查公司提供的调查表就可以挣到一份钱。比如iPaidSurvey。在这里,你每填写一份调查表可以获得$5-$150,如果运气好能参加市场调查专题小组(focus group)的话,你可以一次得到$30-$300。这样的收入就不是小数目了,最少能把每月的网费挣回来吧。还有一个是Pinecone Research。这里最少的付费是每个调查表$3。

你需要建立一个网站,内容可以是任何有一定数量人群所喜欢或者需要的信息,然后在网站里嵌入Google Ad,ClickBank之类的广告。只要这个网站有一定的浏览量,就有可能会有人在你的网站上点击那些广告,你就可以得到广告商的付款了。这种方式不需要你做大量的宣传,也不需要点击广告的人真正去买商家的产品。因为那些广告都是PPC(Pay Per Click)形式的,商家会为每一个点击付给几美分的广告费。这样,一旦你拥有一个很热门的网站,收入就可以很可观了。这个方式比自己点击广告要好的地方是,你不需要自己动手,一天24小时都有别人会为你挣钱。

建立网站目前已经变得非常简单了。如果你不想去费心思制作一个网站,也不想花钱去买一个域名,可以在现成的博客网站那里设立自己的站点。比如这个博客所在的www.Blogger.com,或者使用squidoo建立一个自己的单页网站。如果你是想少花钱或者不花钱,那么有很多完全免费的网页寄存服务可以使用,你不需要购买域名,也不需要付任何月费。比如X10Hosting。你还可以到www.free-webhosts.com那里去搜索一下免费服务。这个网站有大量用户对各个寄存服务的评价,还有它们的性能,简介,等等。就省的你自己去找了。这个方式对于想先试试水再决定是否真正投入这一行的人是再好不过的了。当然,如果你真的想挣钱,最好的办法还是自己去购买一个域名,让你的网页看起来更专业一点。同时,付费服务器的性能和稳定性都会比免费服务器要高很多,你也可以得到客户服务,更强大的网站功能,少得多网站限制,等等。而且现在这些服务器的费用并不贵,通常低于每月10美元。比如Ultra Website Hosting,每月只要$4.99。还有Lonex web hosting company,每月只要$4.95。如果你对网站的大小要求不高,Arivoo technology还有一个每月$2.5的计划。这样低廉的价格,即使是你的网站长时间无法盈利,也不是什么很大的负担。

三。联盟营销(affiliate Marketing)


1. 加入广告联盟。


2. 寻找产品

3. 建立网站。

4. 宣传自己的网页。



